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Wildlife Art – Realistic Graphite Pencil Drawing – Great Horned Owl

Often when we think of compositions for our wildlife art subjects, we naturally associate the subject with a certain habitat. I once read that wildlife art is actually landscape art that just happens to have an animal subject in it! Sometimes though a subject's beauty calls for it to stand alone, with just a suggestion of habitat if at all. Owls I believe fall into this category.

LSpino _Great Horned Owl
LSpino _Great Horned Owl

Trying to depict the intricate patterns we see in an owl's feathers is a labour of love that is worth every moment!  Every species has its own elaborately detailed pattern.  The markings are exquisite.  Combine that with those large intelligent eyes and magnificent heads and you have an ideal subject.  In the case of older male snowy owls that have lost most of their spots, it's the absence of pattern that makes those huge golden eyes stand out.

This great horned owl struck a classic pose for me when I was taking photos at a rehabilitation center. I just had to imagine it snuggled within the branches of a great oak tree to complete his portrait.  I like the idea that the leaves mimic some of the complex feather patterns on the owl.  Prints are available here.

As has become my custom,  I prepared a short time-lapse video of of the work-in progress for this drawing.  Hope you enjoy it!

If you have any comments or questions at all, pleaselet me know!  I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.