
How To Use Tensorflow In Windows

TensorFlow –The Auto Learning Library

Machine learning is eating the software industry and Deep learning is eating machine learning. Google developed this open source software library for the implementation of Machine Learning and Neural Network research. Big IT firms like Facebook, Microsoft, and Google are already implementing and targeting to excel in Deep Learning.

Watch this Tensorflow Tutorial for Beginners Video

TensorFlow and its Installation on Windows TensorFlow and its Installation on Windows

In our previous tutorial we have discussed how Deep learningis reshaping the globe of technology. Hither we are going to introduce TensorFlow and its installation steps, Permit'due south get started.


  • What is TensorFlow?
    • What is Tensor?
    • What is Flow Graph?
    • TensorFlow Graph for Numeric operations
  • Bones TensorFlow Code Structure
  • Why TensorFlow?
    • Applications of TensorFlow
    • Features of TensorFlow
    • Pros and Cons of TensorFlow
  • How does TensorFlow work?
    • TensorFlow compages
      • Preprocessing the data
      • Build the model
      • Train and guess the model
    • TensorFlow Components
  • TensorFlow installation steps in Windows.

What is TensorFlow?

TensorFlow is a Deep Learning toolkit with depression-level functionality yet high-level operations, designed for Dataflow programming models. This tool is not merely less time consuming both portable and scalable on a lot of platforms, which means the code tin run on CPU, GPU (Graphical Processing Units), mobile devices and TPU (Tensor Processing Units, which are Google's dedicated TensorFlow processors).
What is TensorFlow
This constructive software framework uses Python as main interface. Information technology is also backed upward by a huge community of developers, also because of the early adoption by academic and industrial research teams across the world makes TensorFlow very popular for Deep Learning. In a higher place all, TensorFlow has the ability of Google behind it.
TensorFlowand its functions revolve primarily around Tensor, which means multidimensional array and Menstruation, which refers to graphs.The tensor data flows through the graph while being operated on at the nodes.
TensorFlow describes multi-dimensional numerical array as graphs without using complex mathematical interpretations, which makes model analysis very easy.

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What is Tensor?

What is Tensor
An due north-dimensional assortment, Scalar, Vector, Matrix these are all Tensors.  Tensors are considered as data structure in TensorFlow.
Rank of 1D array =0
Rank of second assortment =1
Rank of 3D array =ii

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What is "Flow Graph"?

A Flow Graph is a directed graph with, where nodes represent mathematical operations and edges stand for flow of data every bit tensors, where nosotros have learnt how data can be multi-dimensional.
We can accept a ameliorate thought about tensors and menses graphs from the image shown below.

What is Flow Graph

TensorFlow Graph for Numeric operations:

Let us take an example, here we are representing menstruum graph for the numerical calculation ofd=(ab+c)ii
TensorFlow Graph for Numeric operations
So, in a TensorFlow data basically flows in the grade of tensors.

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Bones TensorFlow Code Structure

  • Build a computational graph or FlowGraph and
  • Use a session to execute operations in the graph

Why TensorFlow?

Now that we take learnt that TensorFlow is, let u.s. discuss why practise nosotros choose TensorFlow over any other tool bachelor. Deep learning uses algorithms known as Neural Networks, which have been designed to imitate the biological neurons. Using these Artificial Neural Networks, the figurer is able to learn from information, represent it and identify solutions based on the data fed into the system.
Why do we need TensorFlow
And TensorFlow lets us build big-scale neural networks with multiple hidden layers.

Applications of TensorFlow:

  • Classifying objects based on attributes
  • Having a sense of perception
  • Learning and understanding from information
  • Discovering new trends, patterns, relationships
  • Predicting the consequence of a certain process
  • Creating new approaches and applications
  • TensorFlow is also used in the telecom domain, social media and handset manufacturers. Information technology is highly useful in detecting motion, searching images, reckoner vision, photograph grouping and other applications. Information technology can identify people and objects to sympathise the content and context.
  • One of the master benefits of TensorFlow is that information technology is well known for sound-based applications. The neural networks are able to make sense of audio signal language which is used for the purpose of vocalisation recognition. You can identify sound snippets in large sound files and transcribe the audio with the oral communication-to-text applications.
  • Text based awarding such as sentimental analysis, threat detection and fraud detection application are widely created by TensorFlow.
  • I of the features of TensorFlow is, we can easily visualize each and every part of the graph whereas in Numpy or Scikit we tin't.
  • TensorFlow tin can separate the functionality of a program into independent and interchangeable modules.
  • It is hands trainable on CPU also every bit GPU for distributed calculating.
  • TensorFlow tin can train multiple neural networks and multiple GPU's which makes modules very efficient on large scale system.
  • TensorFlow affords y'all the benefit of using information technology if you take an internet connection thanks to information technology beingness completely open source
  • It lets you audit a completely dissimilar representation of the model and you can make the changes to it when debugging by deploying the TensorBoard.

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Pros and Cons of TensorFlow


  • TensorFlow has improve computational graph visualization.
  • TensorFlow is highly parallel and designed to use various backend software.
  • TensorFlow affords you the benefit of using information technology if you have an cyberspace connection cheers to information technology being completely open source.
  • TensorFlow neural networks besides work on video data. This is mainly used in Motion Detection, Real-Time Thread Detection in Gaming, Security, Airports and UX/UI fields.
  • You lot can analyze time serial using the TensorFlow time series algorithms to derive valuable statistics from it.


  • TensorFlow is low level in steep learning bend.
  • TensorFlow has low Computational speed.

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How TensorFlow works

TensorFlow is designed to back up experimentation with new machine learning models and organisation-level optimization.

TensorFlow architecture:

TensorFlow architecture
TensorFlow architecture has three principal steps.

Preprocessing the data:

  • Tensor flow tin execute operations on various hardware platforms, CPU,GPU,IOS, Android etc. Wondering how? Information technology achieves that by TensorFlow    Distributed Execution Engine.
  • We write the codes in Python, C++ etc.
  • TensorFlow Distributed Execution Engine takes the codes, and converts that into hardware instruction sets for CPU, GPU, Android etc.

Build the model:

  • In layers we have machine learning components for edifice models, which are likewise reusable.

Train and estimate the model

  • Using Estimatorand Keras model we Railroad train and Evaluate the models
  • Canned Calculator allows TensorFlow to support Linear Regression, Logistic Regression and Neural Network every bit well.
  • Constants
  • Variables
  • Placeholders
  • Session

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TensorFlow and its Installation on Windows TensorFlow and its Installation on Windows


Constant are created by tf.constatnt() function. Vale, dtype, shape, proper name, verify_shape are the arguments that can be passed to a abiding.

import TensorFlow as tf how-do-you-do = tf.abiding("Hello World")


TensorFlow is a mode of representing ciphering without actually performing it until asked. In this sense, information technology is a course of lazy calculating, and information technology allows for some groovy improvements to the running of code.

Import TensorFlow as tf ten = tf.constant(35, name='10') y = tf.Variable(ten+v, name='y') model=tf.global_variables_initializer() withtf.Session()assession: print(

global_vaiables_initializer is used for initializing the variables globally i.e. the variables can exist used in whatsoever part of the lawmaking.


Placeholders allow you lot to assign data after creating your operation and adding computation graph. In TensorFlow terminology we can feed data into the graph through these placeholders.

importTensorFlowastf x=tf.placeholder("float",None) y=ten*2 withtf.Session()assession:,feed_dict={x:[1,2,3]}) print(issue)


Sessions are used to evaluate tensors and it runs TensorFlow operations. Information technology encapsulated the state of a TensorFlow runtime. Some example of TensorFlow session are

hullo = tf.abiding("How-do-you-do World") ses = tf.Session() impress(

When you lot enquire for the output of a node then TensorFlow go through the graph and runs through all the node that gives the input to the requested output node. And then that way  y'all will be able to print the expected value which is Hello World.

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TensorFlow installation steps in Windows

The first matter to notice while installing TensorFlow is to choose either CPU or GPU supported version. For beginners I would recommend y'all use CPU supported version if you need to train simple machine learning models.
GPU supported TensorFlow requires you to install a number of libraries and drivers. It supports NVIDIA GPU menu, with support for CUDA Compute 3.5 or higher.

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TensorFlow installation through pip (Windows):

  • To install TensorFlow through pip, yous need python to be installed in your computer. Download latest version of Python(website).
  • To check if python is installed properly, please open up command promptand type python.

TensorFlow installation through pip (Windows)

  • To check the version of pip running in your organisation, open up command prompt and type pip –version as mentioned below.

TensorFlow installation through pip

  • After you ensure that pip and python are installed successfully, information technology'south time to install TensorFlow
  • To install TensorFlow run your command prompt as administrator, right click on the control prompt icon and click on "Run as administrator".
  • Subsequently just follow the code beneath to install TensorFlow.

TensorFlow installation

  • The command will accept some time to execute, so remain patient. With pip, you can install TensorFlow with GPU support as follows:

TensorFlow installation 1

TensorFlow through Virtual Environs

I would recommend yous install TensorFlow through virtual environs because it is very useful when yous change your surround or platform.

  • Install virtualenv through pip.

TensorFlow installation through Virtual Environment

  • Create a virtualenv and activate your virtual environment by following the given scripts below.

TensorFlow installation through Virtual Environment 2

  • Once you activate your virtual environment, and and then install TensorFlow inside that virtual environment.

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As we discussed TensorFlow is a very powerful Automobile Learning framework and has grown in popularity and is now being used by developers for solving problems using deep learning methods for image recognition, video detection, text processing similar sentiment assay, etc. It takes some fourth dimension to become used to TensorFlow just once yous're clear with the concepts y'all tin master TensorFlow and play effectually it.
In the next part, which is based on Artificial Intelligence Course, we volition build our very first Deep Neural Network model and how tensor period helps us implement Deep Learning.

To get a more elaborate idea with the algorithms of deep learning refer to our Artificial Intelligence Online Course.


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