Longman Academic Writing Series 3 Pdf
Главная Longman Academic Writing Series 3: Paragraphs to Essays, with Essential Online Resources
Longman Academic Writing Series 3: Paragraphs to Essays, with Essential Online Resources
Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue
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The Longman Academic Writing Series helps develop student writing from basic composition of sentences and paragraphs to academic essays and research papers. At each level, students are offered guidance in the complete writing process from prewriting to revision, and are provided with clear explanations, extensive practice, and consistent coverage of sentence mechanics and grammar.
- Step-by-step approach helps students produce a well-organized, clearly developed portfolio that is the foundation of academic coursework.
- Realistic writing models guide writers while clear explanations, supported by examples, help students through typical rough spots.
- Extensive practice helps students assimilate writing skills to learn to write with accuracy and confidence.
- Timed writing activities provide a plan for writing paragraphs on tests.
- Interactive tasks, such as pair and group work, allow students to receive peer feedback on their individual writing.
- Level 5 offers more advanced guidance in the writing of essays and research papers.
- New Essential Online Resources include grammar for writing and sentence structure activities, teacher support material, teacher's manual, and assessments.
Pearson Education ESL
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Longman Academic Writing Series 3 Pdf
Source: https://ru.b-ok.as/book/5679370/b4756d
Posted by: brownvesect1978.blogspot.com
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