The Kleiman estate intends to file a motility for sanctions against Craig Wright claiming that a listing of Bitcoin addresses he provided the court were fake.

They as well claim that he provided a "faux find" to the courtroom near the mysterious bonded courier who Wright said would show up in Jan with the keys to Satoshi'southward 1.i million Bitcoin.

In a move for a brief extension to the May 8 deadline filed before today, Kleiman'south legal team wrote:

"Plaintiffs intend to file a sanctions motility based on Defendant's conduct in these proceedings. This move will include, only not be express to, the Defendant's provision of a simulated discover  and  false  list  of  bitcoin  addresses  in  response  to  this  Court's  order  allowing  him 'through and including February iii, 2022, to file a notice with the Court indicating whether or not this mysterious figure has appeared from the shadows and whether the Defendant now has access to the final key slice needed to unlock the encrypted file'."

They're asking the courtroom for a ten day extension to go on top of the 13 depositions conducted over the by two weeks to bear witness their example.

Trial fix to begin in July

Cointelegraph reported yesterday the trial is expected to begin on July 6 and that the lawyers on both sides had confirmed they were not planning whatsoever motions that could delay the trial.

The ongoing lawsuit was brought past Ira Kleiman, blood brother of Wright's deceased business partner David Kleiman. The Kleiman estate is afterwards a share of the billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin (BTC) Wright and Kleiman allegedly mined.

Earlier in the case, Wright claimed he no longer had access to the BTC, which was held in the Tulip Trust and that a bonded courier would show up in January 2022 providing admission. In January, he told the court the courier had shown up, and submitted a listing of BTC addresses.

The case is not looking promising for Wright at this stage, as both Judge Bloom and Judge Reinhart take made reference to Wright's provision of forged materials and perjured testimony.